Awards and Recognition

Awards won by Roxanne Kiely and Stephen Kiely, writers of all Busy Izzy and Friends' songs.

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1st place 2024 Australian Songwriters Association - Songs For Children - You Can't Take It Back - Stephen Kiely & Roxanne Kiely
Australian Songwriters Association 2017 Song Comp winner Busy Izzy Says by Busy Izzy and Friends Australian Songwriters Association 2018 Song Comp winner Sometimes A Friend by Busy Izzy and Friends Australian Songwriters Association 2020 Song Comp winner Who, What, When, Where, How and Why by Busy Izzy and Friends Australian Songwriters Association 2017 Song Comp 2nd Place Newly Truly by Busy Izzy and Friends

Australian Songwriters Association 2022 Children's category winners Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely with their song Colours, Colours, Colours

Who, What, When, Where, How And Why

In 2020, Busy Izzy and Friends' creative directors and songwriting partners, Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely celebrated their 1st Place win in the Australian Songwriters Association national competition, Songs For Children category with their song, "Who, What, When, Where, How And Why", about Secret-agent Skye.

Australian Songwriters Association 2020 Song Comp Children's Music winners Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely with song Who, What, When, Where, How And Why

Stephen and Roxanne also placed 5th with "Honey Bees", 7th with "Let's Sing-Along", 9th with "My Little Veggie Patch" and 10th with "My 26 BFFs".

Australian Songwriters Association 2020 Song Comp Children's category Top Ten songs

Secret-agent Skye is book four in the Busy Izzy and Friends series due to be published in 2022.  An environmental story about how Izzy, Skye and their friends, including Izzy's rescue pup, Newly Truly, save the honey bees from peril.  A brand new character will be introduced...

Skye Clementine stole the hearts of the audience members, singing "Sometimes A Friend at the ASA 2018 Awards show.

Busy Izzy and Friends' creative directors, Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely celebrate their 1st Place win with "Sometimes A Friend" in the Songs for Children category of the Australian Songwriters Association 2018 song competition awards.

Click the Play icon to hear an edit of the award-winning song, Sometimes A Friend" which will soon be available for download from iTunes and streaming services.

Roxanne and Stephen also placed 2nd with "Newly Truly" and 3rd with "When You Wake Up". All tracks will be available soon on iTunes, Spotify etc.

Skye Clementine stole the hearts of the audience members, singing "Sometimes A Friend at the ASA 2018 Awards show.

Roxanne and Stephen have included the words and music to "Sometimes A Friend" in the latest book in the Busy Izzy and Friends series, Busy Izzy and Talkative Tess.

Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely celebrate their 1st Place win in the Song for childrern category of the Australian Songwriters Association 2018 song competition awards. They are pictured here with Skye Clementine, who recorded the song and sang it live at the awards show.

Australian Songwriters Association 2018 Songs for Children 1st Place - Sometimes A Friend - Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely

Australian Songwriters Association 2018 Songs for Children 2nd Place - Newly Truly - Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely

Australian Songwriters Association 2018 Songs for Children 3rd Place - When You wake Up - Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely

Skye Clementine sings the winning song, "Sometimes A Friend" accompanied by Stephen Kiely on piano, at the ASA 2018 Awards show.

Skye Clementine sings the winning song, "Sometimes A Friend" accompanied by Stephen Kiely on piano.

Australian Songwriters Association 2017 Songs for Children 1st Place goes to Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely for "Busy Izzy Says"

Australian Songwriters Association 2017 Songs for Children 1st Place goes to Stephen Kiely and Roxanne Kiely for "Busy Izzy Says.

ASA 2017 Songs for Children 1st Place "Busy Izzy Says" by Roxanne Kiely and Stephen Kiely