Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Children are influenced by their parents, guardians, older siblings and sometimes their friends.  They all become role models, whether they are a good or a bad influence.

When children see their parents, other adults and older children showing respect for each other they usually do the same with their siblings and friends.

Busy Izzy is a wonderful role model for all children and the Busy Izzy world is a great tool for parents and guardians.

Children are also influenced by the media; (books / television / devices / online games / therefore, it is important not to expose them to content which includes bad attitudes, aggression and violence.

Busy Izzy leads by example. She is compassionate, kind, caring and thinks of others first. She solves problems in an understanding way.

Busy Izzy is the ‘can-do’ girl who always knew exactly what to do. From repairing a bicycle tyre, rescuing puppies and kittens, making snacks and running her store called Nix & Nax in Green Grass Grove. Busy Izzy always makes good choices.

Educating Children through action is important. Instilling confidence, every child is different. Children tend to copy their role models, therefore educating children through action is important. Showing love and support always.

These books and songs make great Christmas and birthday gift ideas for kids, parents and primary teachers #booksarebest #kidsbooks #giftideas #christmasgiftideas #birthdaygiftideas #busyizzyandfriends #Busyizzyandtalkativetess #BusyizzyandNewlyTrulythebigsurprise #bestkidssongs #kidsfunsongs #kidspicturebooks

Showing them and telling them through guidance and action. - Roxanne Kiely