Exciting news; 'Busy Izzy and Friends' has partnered with Prosper (Project Australia) to support the health and well-being of Australian children through performances, nutrition and cooking showcases, literacy and learning activities and other special events.
Prosper (Project Australia) supports disadvantaged children; at home, at school and in the community. https://prosperprojectaustralia.org
These books and songs make great Christmas and birthday gift ideas for kids, parents and primary teachers.
Busy Izzy and Friends are much more than wonderfully entertaining children's picture books filled with exciting adventures. These books for children have ethical and moral stories too. There are songs, interactive videos, fun songs and videos about being a good friend, healthy food, vegetables and fruit songs about fruit salad. Friendship songs, fun songs, songs about being sensible too, and one of Izzy's friends is a secret-agent, her name is Skye and we have a song for her too. Oh, and an all new stage show for kids...
Modern Mo Li, is musical who loves to play the blues and Izzy's friends, Mathematic Max, Sensible Steven, Even Evan, Worried Warren, Talkative Tess and Bobby, who can be a little bit bossy, are wonderful and generous kids who love to spend time with their friends...and of course there is Izzy's, adopted little stray from the SPCA, Newly Truly "Who's the lucky rescue pup at Nix & Nax, who's everybody's favourite little friend." These children's Picture Books, song and videos have something and everything for everyone.
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